Sustainable Strategy on individual level

This is about the way how a high impact leader acts from values and guiding principles inspired by noble purpose. We do this through sustainable strategy mentoring & advice, and the From Reflection to Action methodology (F.R.A).

Sustainable Strategy Advice & Mentoring (SaM)

We help the high impact leader to clarify how to develop the strategy, the tactics, and the actions, to start living from the chosen noble purpose and/or to integrate LovinShip.

We bring consciousness of the choices to make and the key decisions to take.

We help the high impact leader to develop an action plan.

We help him/her build the own insights and self-awareness and develop their unique ways how to interact with themselves, with others, in their collective and/or organisational system(s). We create a mirror and sounding board for them.

We embark on relatively short journeys that can be intense, depending upon the availability of the individual.

This approach is always tailor made.  

From Reflection to Action Methodology (FrA)

F.R.A is a methodology that we have developed to support a high impact leader to achieve the specific competences needed to stay on track in the deployment of the specific steps that are part of the action plan.

After having taken the time to reflect and build awareness of what needs to happen, there comes a time to start doing the things. And things will only happen if the appetite for doing them is profoundly present.

F.R.A is about changing habits, developing a can-do attitude, and a response-able (having the ability to respond to) mindset.

This approach is always tailor made.  

Wisdom Encounters

Wisdom Encounters is an annual, inspirational, upon invitation only gathering for high impact leaders who meet in an idyllic place for a three-day noble purpose, impact, and ego-less retreat, thus re-aligning with themselves, their vision and mission, and leading a private and professional life in a sustainable way.

It has a remarkable impact on participants through connecting with true potential and beauty. Through sharing collective wisdom about humanity, society, and the world in transformation. Through opening to other perspectives and learning from each other.

Participants experience the Wisdom Encounters retreats as fabulous moments of inspirational thinking and ideas sharing, as an uplifting break from very busy intense Lives, re-aligning mind, spirit, and body. They allow each one to return to the respective responsibilities with a boost of inspiration and increased clarity about noble purpose and how to serve ‘the world’ with even more courage and commitment.

Wisdom Encounters is progressively becoming a global community of collective wisdom and humanity, functioning as an international collegial network of inspirational and loving leaders from around the globe, who take concrete, engaging and solution-oriented actions that have positive sustainable impact on a large scale.

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