(Organisational) Culture

Organisational culture eats strategy for breakfast! That’s how importance organizational culture is.

We define organisational culture as the sum of the being (values, beliefs) and the behavior (attitude, actions, walk & talk). In short, it’s how someone must think and act to be one of ‘them’. Them, in this context, means the collective or the wider organisation. What behavior is acceptable and what behavior is not? What behavior is stimulated and rewarded, and what behavior must be avoided and condemned?

Organisational culture has a strong behavioral orientation. And if you want to guide the behavior of people in complex systems, there is only one effective way to do it: through values and guiding principles. They can align people and bring them together in your collective and your organisation the way you want.

Collectives and organisations with a clear, positive, and robust organisational culture are generally strong. Thanks to this strong culture, everyone in the collective or organisation is gently shepherded in the right direction and held there. And it is based on this same responsible culture that the collective or organisation acts.

Having the ‘right’ culture is a strong competitive advantage that can set you apart from other similar collectives or organisations. It shows people who you are, what you do, why you do it, and why this makes you unique.

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