Culture on Organisational level

We help your organisation develop the desired culture that will serve your organisation’s success, growth, development, sustainability, …

With organisation we mean all the members, from top to bottom, from executives to blue collar workers, of your organisation.
An organisation can be any form of organisational system, such as enterprises, divisions, departments, public administrations, NGO’s, governments, political parties, …

We do this through tailor made organisational culture advisory and workshops, organisational culture audits, organisational blue culture journeys, and inspirational insights in organisational culture.

Organisational Culture Audits

In order to help high impact leaders understand, fact based, where they are with their culture, what works and what doesn’t, and how to close the gap between the existing culture and the desired culture, we run organisational culture audits.

These audits are based on a step-per-step methodology that we use to harvest insights of how people perceive the culture they work in, what they are supposed to do to fit in, or what they see as the ‘ideal’ culture (to replace the existing one).

If not always, these audits often are an essential part of our organisational culture advise and workshops.

Organisational Blue Culture Journeys

This being one of our biggest ‘hits’ with our clients, we have developed a robust and highly efficient methodology to help organisations develop a ‘blue’ or constructive culture.

Such a culture is one where there is the right balance between the focus on the material side (realization of the objectives, KPI’s, tactics, …) and the people side (how to interact with others). And where the individual self-perspective and the collective others-perspective are brought in harmony. In short, it’s about developing the best ways how what is done in an organisation.

As it is never an organisation – as complex system – that can develop such a blue culture, we typically work with the executive committee or management board how to embark on such a journey, what steps to follow and how to involve the entire organisation. Often a well selected blue culture team (we call them ambassadors) will be put in place to help the installment and deployment of the elements of the blue culture.

The exclusively tailor made organisational blue culture journeys are an intense and long process running over several years in the deployment phase to get all members throughout the organisation ‘become blue’.

Inspirational (Organisational) Culture Insights

We have given hundreds of keynotes – and we keep being asked to do so! – around the globe to inspire small or large crowds in all kinds of organisations how essential and powerful organisational culture is. Essential in first instance for the individuals in the organisation to be fully engaged, and for the collectives of the organisation to work together and aligned.

Our keynotes (45 minutes to 3 hours) are thought-provoking, heart-touching, and profound reflective and inspirational moments. It’s about the potential, the relevance, and the energizing impact of a healthy culture on the individual’s joy, the collective’s alignment, and the entire organisation’s efficiency. And by that success.

These keynotes often have a booster effect and/or are the ignition of an appetite within the organisation (can be on the level of the executive leadership, the people, or the shareholder level) to embark on a journey that will profoundly transform the organisation (through introducing a noble purpose, reviewing the existing strategy, optimizing the organisational culture and/or reviewing the impact of the leadership).

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