Noble Purpose on organisational level

We help you and your organisation (NB: as organization we consider any form of organisational system, such as enterprises, divisions, departments, public administrations, NGO’s, governments, political parties, …) find that one thing that will make that organisation truly meaningful for society.

This is about finding the essence of how your entire system can contribute to the progress of Humankind in one or another way. It’s about aligning all the stakeholders. It’s much more than optimizing the top line, the bottom line, or the realisation of KPI’s. It’s about uniting the internal forces, breaking down silo’s, increasing the engagement of all coworkers, to serve society, help solve problems, and find new solutions. And obviously the focus is which positive sustainable impact your organization will have on who.

We do this through noble purpose advisory and workshops. And we use our acclaimed ‘House of Noble Purpose’ © methodology.

Noble Purpose Advice & Workshops

We have developed a robust and highly efficient 9-step methodology to help organisations define their noble purpose.

As it is never an organisation – a complex system – that can define a noble purpose, we first advise the board of directors and/or the executive committee or management board how to embark on such a journey, what steps to follow and how to involve the entire organization.

That involvement requires the organisation of workshops where representatives of all the stakeholders of the organisation will be invited to contribute.

The noble purpose advisory and workshops facilitation is an intense process running over several months.

Inspirational Noble Purpose Insights

We have given hundreds of keynotes – and we keep being asked to do so! – around the globe to inspire small or large crowds in all kinds of organizations how essential and powerful noble purpose is. Powerful for the individuals in the organization, for the collectives of the organisation, for the ‘energetic vibration’ outside the organisation.

Our keynotes (45 minutes to 3 hours) are thought-provoking, heart-touching, and profound reflective and inspirational moments. It’s about the potential, the relevance, and the energizing impact of noble purpose on the individual’s joy, the collective’s alignment, and the entire organisation’s efficiency.

These keynotes often have a booster effect and/or are the ignition of an appetite within the organisation (can be on the level of the executive leadership, the people, or the shareholder level) to embark on a journey that will profoundly transform the organisation (through reviewing the existing strategy, optimizing the organisational culture and/or reviewing the impact of the leadership).

Noble Purpose System Dynamics

The power of system dynamics to help organizations define their noble purpose is beyond the ordinary understanding.

We use the remarkable methodology of system thinking and constellations to help organizations become aware of what is below the surface, the regularly visible, and that what influences them permanently.

Through constellations we help understand what the relevant dynamics are that play, and how these can help to become clear(er) about the existing potential of the noble purpose of, and for, the organization. This process can be included in a noble purpose wisdom retreat

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