Guest lecture on leadership at the Free University of Brussels Nov 26th 2012

Monday November 26th, I gave a guest lecture at the VUB, the Free University of Brussels, for a full auditorium of 500 bachelor and master students from the Faculty of Economic, Social and Political Sciences and Solvay Business School.

I spoke about ’from self-leadership to market leadership’: how you can become market leader by being leader of yourself? What does it take to be in charge of your own choices and which price is one willing to pay? What makes the difference between organizations? What is the most important competitive advantage business leaders have to lead the market?

After my one and a half hour lecture came many questions, which I liked because I saw that as a proof of interest and having touched the audience. There was this one lady who said that what I shared was very refreshing and innovative for a faculty of economy and business. I agree. I congratulate the professors who organize this series of lectures, to invite guests to talk about business and leadership, with a deep ’spiritual’ connotation.

Another lady, from an African country, suggested that I speak to the leaders of the nations “because they can take benefits from what you said, professor! Our nations’ leaders have no more vision and are only interested in short term political gain. What you just explained is giving hope and invites to think and act from a long term sustainable perspective”. This was a genuine grate suggestion. I admit I do not want to limit my interventions to business leaders. I have already spoken with political leaders such as Herman Van Rompuy, the European President, and some members of the Belgian and Flemish Governments, as well as with leaders like Jacques Rogge, the IOC President and leaders from the EU, the UN and UNICEF. But yes, maybe I should develop a strategy to reach more political leaders and have them reflect on sustainable leadership.

It was a great moment for me to stand in front of the audience in the famous Aula Q, the VUB’s largest auditorium, where I sat myself as a student more than 20 years ago.