Jacques Cousteau

Jacques Cousteau: Dive with Noble Purpose

“The sea, once it casts its spell, holds one in its net of wonder forever.” Jacques Cousteau In an era when technology was beginning to shrink it, Jacques Cousteau expanded the world. […]

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Simon Veil

Simone Veil and the Power of Noble Purpose: A Life Lived for Humanity

“Born in 1927 in Nice, France, she was just 16 years old when the Nazis stormed into her life, tearing her family from their home and dragging them into the dark abyss […]

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Change and Transition, Collective Emotional Capital & Negative Capability

“Is there another way beyond our traditional understanding of managing transitions while change happens?” Kushagra Patwa, Head of Spiritual Advisory Introduction Three leadership skills explored that have resonated deeply with me: ‘Change […]

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The Book of Noble Purpose

The Book of Noble Purpose

Why giving true meaning to your Life matters? Should you wish, the book is still available for purchase on https://www.lannoo.be/nl/book-noble-purpose or any major online distribution channel.

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Partition of India and Pakistan

Echoes of the Real: The Partition’s Unconscious Legacy through the Lacanian Lens

Echoes of the Real: The Partition’s Unconscious Legacy through the Lacanian Lens Kushagra Patwa, Head of Spiritual Advisory “Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.” –George Santayana 15th […]

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Carl Jung talking about Meeting Anima

My Evolution to LovinShip

My Evolution to LovinShip: The Dance of Archetypes Kushagra Patwa, Head of Spiritual Advisory “Connais-toi toi-même” (Know thyself)! At INSEAD’s Fontainebleau campus, engrossed in my KDVI Leadership Report, a duality in perception […]

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Employee Disengagement

Not Thriving at Work prevents from Thriving at Life

Not Thriving at Work prevents from Thriving at Life The Societal Cost of Disengagement Olivier Onghena-’t Hooft Founder & Chairman, GINPIAuthor of ‘The Book of Noble Purpose‘ More than ever, the need […]

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Child Focus Belgium: A Model of Noble Purpose

Child Focus Belgium: A Model of Noble Purpose Olivier Onghena-‘t Hooft, Founder & Executive Chairman of GINPI (the Global Inspiration and Noble Purpose Institute) and an advocate for noble purpose and LovinShip, […]

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The smallest investment for the biggest profit

In the second edition of BNP’s private banking magazine “Vision”, you can read a short piece about Noble Purpose and its benefits for entrepreneurs and leaders. How one small investment can pay […]

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How to become rich: Dossiers Tabous 17/11 on RTL

On Wednesday 17 November, I shared my ideas on success and Noble Purpose in the RTL documentary “Dossiers Tabous”. If you want to find out what I have to say on topics […]

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Interview HR Square

In the most recent edition of HR Square, I got to present the concept of Noble Purpose. We talked in particular about the transformation we achieved at the Spanish pharmaceutical company Almirall. You […]

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Interview LN24 – 50 minutes avec — 18/05/2021

Watch my interview with LN24 for 50 minutes of in-depth conversation about The Book of Noble Purpose, including some questions about several of the models in the book. You can find the […]

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