Transformative Lecture on Communication and Noble Purpose

Olivier Onghena-‘t Hooft, Founder & Executive Chairman of the GINPI (the Global Inspiration and Noble Purpose Institute), recently addressed students, alumni, and faculty at the State University of Ghent. His lecture, themed “The Power of Communication in a World of Noble Purpose,” was part of the Masters in Business Communication program.

Olivier’s talk, which emphasized the profound impact of communication in shaping individual, societal, and organizational values, resonated deeply with the audience. It was a nostalgic and fulfilling experience for him, as he revisited the auditorium where he was once a law student in 1984.

Key Insights from the Lecture:

  1. Curriculum Innovation: Advocating for the integration of programs on meaning and decision-making in educational curricula.
  2. Essence of Communication: Emphasizing communication as a fundamental necessity for individuals, societies, and organizations.
  3. Revealing Core Values: How our communication styles reflect our most essential values and beliefs.
  4. Linking Communication and Noble Purpose: The need for leaders in business and politics to communicate authentically and with integrity, showcasing their noble purpose.
  5. Beyond Technique: Recognizing communication as more than just a skill for message transmission, but as a powerful tool for meaningful impact.

Olivier’s engagement with the students was particularly profound. He deeply appreciated their passion and their search for meaning, and he was moved by their candid sharing of challenges in finding purpose in their lives.

A Call for Authentic Leadership:

The lecture highlighted the urgent need for authentic leadership in today’s world. Olivier urged future leaders to embrace communication not just as a tool but as a gateway to expressing their true selves and their noble purposes.


GINPI (the Global Inspiration & Noble Purpose Institute) is a boutique advisory firm founded in 2010 by noble purpose entrepreneur-investor-solutionist-author Olivier Onghena-‘t Hooft. We focus on helping high impact leaders to transform and evolve themselves, their collectives and/or their organisations/enterprises in order to contribute tangibly and sustainably to society.

We want to ignite and inspire in leaders the right consciousness, mindset and passion to go beyond their own interests, needs and even fears, and deeply connect with their noble purpose. We do so by linking noble purpose with sustainable strategyLovinShip and organisational culture and working with a team of exceptional people, with exceptional stories, going for exceptional impact.

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