Wisdom Encounters – Edition 2023

23 – 26 May 2023 – Butgenbach, Belgium

An inspirational retreat

Stretch your Mind – Open your Heart – Cherish your Body – Nourish your Soul

Wisdom Encounters is an inspirational annual gathering of a small group of selected high impact leaders, who meet in an idyllic place for a three-day holistic journey. Participation is on invitation basis only.

Why Wisdom Encounters

To concretely contribute to the further elevation of wo/men towards higher order thinking and acting, for them to stand out as key players in the creation of a more harmonious economic system, a more balanced society, and a better global world.

Questions Explored

As to connecting the global economic & societal perspective with purposeful loving leadership / LovinShip:

  • What are today’s big challenges where we have a role to play?
  • Which solutions are we helping to emerge?
  • What shifts that are influencing and shaping our economy, our society and the world can we initiate?
  • How will this influence us and our organizations?
  • What kind of leaders and quality of leadership are needed in this transformation?

As to the Self-leadership perspective:

  • What drives me deeply, consciously, and unconsciously?
  • What values and principles lead me?
  • How to be fully authentic & inspirational?
  • How do I deal with ego and power?
  • How can I have the right impact to become an inspiring ‘transformer’ for the new economy, society, and world by developing my LovInShip?
  • What is my noble purpose and how do I (want to) contribute to humanity and society with it?

Beauty & Wisdom

Throughout the journey we use the beauty and wisdom of Nature and the positive energy of the setting to get inspired, to connect with ourselves and to exchange in open council format with each other. Profound group dialogues and sublime nature walks, yoga practises, breathing techniques and mindfulness, listening to and interacting respectfully with each other, spending time alone and in group, will help us become more conscious, internally aligned and inspired to reconnect our soul, heart, mind and body.

Profound Experience

We have committed to make this a truly unforgettable, authentic, profound experience with high impact wo/men, who we believe are ready and willing to (further) contribute to finding and implementing solutions for the enormous challenges that are ahead of us.

#Ginpi #LovinShip #Noble Purpose #Sustainable Strategy #Wisdom #Encounter #Leadership #Individual # Self-leadership